Body Ballancer

Easing water retention is simple with the Body Ballancer lymphatic drainage machine; a lower-body ‘suit’ that offers compression therapy to answer a number of aesthetic and health concerns.

Using the proven principles of manual lymphatic drainage massage – but with an effective and efficient machine – it helps to improve cellulite, water retention, poor skin tone and sluggish digestion that can lead to bloating and discomfort.

A course of Body Ballancer massages is designed to firm, smooth and tone your skin, while reducing volume in the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks and legs, which are most commonly affected by fluid retention.

Benefits of the Body Ballancer include:

  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Reduces water retention, puffiness and bloating
  • Improves the appearance of cellulite
  • Aids muscle recovery after exercise
  • Reduces post flight swelling
  • Supports the Immune System
  • Gives a relaxing massage
  • Helps with lymphedema and Lipedema
body sculpting

At a Glance


45-60 minutes






Long lasting


Discussed during consultation


When you come in for a Body Ballancer treatment, you will usually be in the clinic for between 45 minutes and one hour

Cellulite and skin tone: It boosts the supply of fresh, oxygenated blood to the tissues to result in a significant improvement in cellulite and skin quality, leaving it firm and toned.

Slimming and body contouring: Improvements in the lymphatic and circulatory systems can lead to the rapid elimination of excess fluid, reducing volume and puffiness in as little as a single treatment.

Health and wellness: A healthy, well-functioning lymphatic system will have a positive impact on the immune, digestive and nervous systems as waste, toxins and pathogens are removed from the body more quickly and effectively.


The lymphatic drainage machine looks like a suit that covers you from the chest down, so it treats the lower abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs and entire lower leg.

We don’t recommend Body Ballancer for anyone who has: 

  • Pain and / or numbness that hasn’t been evaluated by a doctor.
  • Ischemic vascular disease, including pain at rest and gangrene.
  • Uncontrolled congestive heart failure or unstable cardiac disease.
  • Known or suspected deep-vein thrombosis.
  • Infected skin or an infected open wound.

No, there is no pain during treatment. You will also experience no downtime after using the Body Ballancer; you can simply take off the suit, leave the clinic and go about your day.

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